The New Berlin Lions Club was organized on April 19, 1950 with 25 members. It was sponsored by the Calhoun Lions Club. The first slate of officers was elected at the April 19th meeting. The charter was presented on June 14, 1950, at a banquet and dance. Lions are members of community service clubs, dedicated to the idea that the men and women who live in a community are in the best position to know who needs help and why. More than 46,000 strong, these local clubs are part of the world’s largest such organization, with 1.4 million members serving in more than 193 countries and geographical areas.

The association is both non-political and non-sectarian. Founded in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 1917 by insurance agent Melvin Jones and others, Lions Clubs International has ever since offered business and professional people a way of sharing their success by helping those less fortunate than themselves. The association became international when a club was formed in Canada in 1920. A highlight of its early history was a speech at the 1925 convention when the legendary Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” They responded, and Lions are now best known for their sight-related programs, including SightFirst, the world’s largest blindness prevention program.

Please Donate to the New Berlin Lions Club Foundation, Inc.


Officers for the 2024-2025 Lion Year are:

  • President Lion Kim Papp
  • Immediate Past President Lion Jerry Johnson
  • 1st V.P. Lion Bobby Reid
  • 2nd V.P.
  • Secretary Lion Chris Meyer
  • Treasurer Lion Mike DeMoss
  • Membership Chairperson Lion Sharon Mack
  • Service Chairperson Lion Karen Figge
  • Marketing Chairperson Lion Deanna Cook
  • Program Director Lion Linda Absteatar
  • Safety Officer Lion Richard Nuccio
  • Tail Twister Lion Kathy Oleinik
  • Lion Tamer Lion Sue Pirt
  • One Year Director Lion Mary Tatera
  • Two Year Director Lion Ray George